Mission & Vision


ATMS Group of Institutions believes in sufficing the students with quality educational experiences and support services that lead to the successful completion of course/diploma/degree, career/technical education and basic skills of proficiency. It not only fosters academic & career success amongst its students also it emphasizes on developing the skills of critical thinking, effective communication and cultural awareness in a safe, secure and affordable learning environment.

We, at ATMS also believe in promoting a healthy atmosphere & corporate life for our Teaching & Non Teaching Staff.


The primary motive behind the existence of ATMS Group of Institutions is to impart excellence in higher education to all and especially to those who belong to educationally, socially and financially marginalized communities. The institution envisions creating a new enlightened generation which is socially committed, academically proficient, technologically updated & most importantly spiritually refined. All this not only helps the younger generation in becoming smart citizens but also enables them to face the challenging needs of the changing times.

Quality Policy

ATMS Group of Institution and Parmarth Educational Trust is committed for providing quality educational services with a high degree of quality standards, professionalism & human ethics in consistent with maintaining effective internal process controls leading to services reliability & effective performance.

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